The Aetherius Society: a global company Unite religieux Men & ladies sur une objectif cosmique

Filip4 września, 2023

La petite Version: En 1954, le Dr George King a été donné a message from inconnu lui demander amener paix à tous et élargir homme compréhension de le monde. Il créé une entreprise known as Aetherius community exprimer les théories d’un autre intelligence qui aident personnes try un voyage d’éveil religieux. Pendant des décennies, la culture fonctionnalités collecté positif énergie de innombrables supporters et amis exactement qui care sérieusement à propos de décider de faire de globe beaucoup plus chaleureux spot. Lorsque cette objectif humanitaire parle votre valeurs, vous peut découvrir comment offrir la cause en obtenant participation à un local part aux états-unis, au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, en Australie, au Japon, en Suède, aux côtés nations mondial. De la prière hebdomadaire sessions aux pèlerinages annuels, la culture Aetherius puise dans une connaissance cosmique et religieux pouvoir qui au-delà de opinion.


L’amour est un mystérieux pouvoir dans univers. Aime connecte individus, motive étapes, et fournit indiquer à d’innombrables résident. bien que nous peut bien pas habituellement le comprendre, l’amour est vraiment important à quoi cela signifie devenir homme et ce que method for finir par être vivant. Richard Lawrence, le Secrétaire Exécutif dans le Aetherius culture pour Europe, contrasté aimer h2o dans un seul de leurs sermons: “De la même manière vie comme vous le savez peut-être il femme seule sur Le Havre la planète would never se produire sans eau, rien from inside the world pourrait exister sans really love. “

L’Aetherius Société est en fait historique spirituelle entreprise centrée autour de spirituelle compréhension et actes. Les gens de la communauté ont confiance en un plus contacter pour servir human en rassemblant et envoyant bon puissance. En 1955, un visionnaire yoga saisir nommé Dr. George King créé le international spirituel culture après le gars obtenu télépathique communications de un supérieur extraterrestre intelligence accru. Il croyait c’etait son tâche à partager avec vous le message information de confort, confort, et love.

De nos jours, The Aetherius Society fournit une existence à Londres, Los Angeles, et plusieurs emplacements international. Ses membres fréquemment se réunissent pour répandre profiter et thérapeutique combustible au sein de leurs communautés et à travers planète. Si vous pensez intéressé par cette sacrée objectif, il est possible visiter une conférence, aller à un pèlerinage, ou s’impliquer dans autre guérison traditions du but non lucratif organisation. Tout le monde, indépendamment de leur unique arrière-plan ou points de vue, est en fait ceci est participer à les efforts de Aetherius community, améliorer leur spiritualité compréhension , et localiser un plus grand fonction dans la vie quotidienne.

“de begin, notre main principe était service à tout le monde, “mentionné le révérend Oscar E. León Aetherius communauté. “nous sommes juste ici d’essayer et envoyer le montant maximum de grand spirituel puissance au monde tant que nous le pouvons. “

Dr. George King lancé le religieux en 1955

En might 1954, a note trouvé Dr George King, qui était une maîtrise du pilates et une transe hypnotique moyenne, alors qu’il was at his dull in London. A gentle, yet company, sound outside his human anatomy considered him: “ready yourself! You may be in order to become the voice in the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Now, George had never been aware of an interplanetary parliament, although ethereal terms remaining him stunned. The guy realized he previouslyn’t thought them, but he cannot comprehend whatever they implied. The guy invested with the rest of their life endeavoring to comprehend the plan established by that prophetic initial get in touch with. Although the guy couldn’t clarify why, he said the guy realized without question he was in fact contacted by an alien and powerful power to assist bring mankind back through the verge of break down.

By expanding their spiritual understanding and forging telepathic channels, George heard a great many other messages from extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master known as Aetherius, which will be a Greek phrase definition traveler through ether.

George officially started The Aetherius Society in 1955. His aim were to spread the teachings of alien gods and lead other people down a path of enlightenment and peace. The corporation features since grown into a major international motion encompassing hundreds of souls aimed at residing and enjoying on a greater religious degree.

You can read the amazing story of Dr. George King’s existence work right here. As George themselves mentioned, “I do not ask the unbeliever to believe immediately, but only demand he can be applied that which Aetherius claims to his own explanation.”

Discover Healing & Purpose on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What ties people in The Aetherius community together is actually a solid, heartfelt need to assist others and also make the world a much better location. People from all walks of life, from Quakers to atheists, find their way toward Aetherius culture. “Our people originate from variable backgrounds with various examples of spiritual advancement,” Oscar said, “however they all express the internal expertise or craving becoming of religious solution to everyone.”

The corporation makes it simple for beginners to get involved by inviting them to attend divine services or prayer rituals. All week-long, people can submerge by themselves into the sermons, lectures, classes, and religious undertakings of culture. You are able to look up occasions on the internet and know once local chapter convenes. The educational and friendly environment promotes women and men to get involved in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers concentrated on fostering world comfort.

“It really is all extremely good,” Oscar informed you. “we now have lots of vibrant prayers and traditions always cleanse the nature and recover worldwide.”

Among Aetherius Society’s the majority of time-honored traditions is their pilgrimages to holy mountains that contain large volumes of spiritual electricity. The entity in question understands 19 mountains faced with immense spiritual importance. Since 1959, a huge selection of members have traveled on mountains to recharge and advance their particular spirits.

During times during the situation, the culture draws from the holy web sites to produce positive power in to the globe to offset disasters, wartime dispute, governmental upheavals, and various other man disasters.

“Anybody of every degree of development can visit the mountains and do a selfless work of solution to make contact with the spiritual efforts contained in it,” Oscar informed us. “the knowledge varies from one individual to another, however it is always really good and beneficial. Individuals of all faiths, or no particular trust, are thank you for visiting join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals provide their own Understanding & Support

From Ca to Australia, a huge selection of thoughtful folks have become supporters of Aetherius culture and discovered common ground with spiritual people who display similar beliefs. Often the organization has actually actually fostered dedicated romantic connections.

Oscar informed all of us he met his wife at an Aetherius culture occasion. She was actually a buddy of one associated with members and went to an Operation energy Prayer event because she was actually curious about the Society. Her genuine interest and good attitude caught Oscar’s interest. The guy told all of us the guy values her capability to comprehend his beliefs and share their objectives.

Now they’re cheerfully hitched and focused on alike reason behind advertising comfort across the world. “She recognizes the necessity of helping humanity,” he mentioned. “the connection has become indispensable to my personal spiritual development. It has been a blessing in a lot of ways.”

Through The Aetherius Society, many kind-hearted individuals have discovered neighborhood and company. The business stops working barriers between folks and stimulates connecting on a higher religious plane.

“it is rather crucial currently within record to create folks with each other and reach beyond borders,” Oscar stated. “At the forefront of The Aetherius culture’s theories is the fact that we have been one human race, and then we have to cooperate much more collectively.”

The Aetherius Society has Enlightenment Through Service

“fancy is actually an all-permeating electricity, that will be above head,” Dr. George King when mentioned in a sermon. “it’s the great power with the cosmos.”

Although George died in 1997, his vital information lives on in The Aetherius community. The desire accomplish good, express love, and unite mankind drives the organization onward, nowadays a fresh generation of spiritual people have stepped-up to guide the culture for the twenty-first century.

Through normal sermons, pilgrimages, along with other holy efforts, The Aetherius culture provides furthered the spiritual journeys of hundreds of people worldwide. Everyone can relate to folks in this area and find worth within the teachings of love, serenity, and acceptance.

“its a cosmic mission, but it is open to everyone,” Oscar told us. “the people, website visitors, and sympathizers share a desire to provide and help recover society through a larger cosmic knowledge of the market.”
